
The Effect of Digital Stories on the Listening Attitudes of Secondary School Students

This research was prepared using an explanatory sequential design, one of the mixed methods research designs, in order to examine the effect of digital stories on listening attitude. It was conducted in the second semester of the 2023-2024 academic year, covering an 8-week study with 72 students studying in a secondary school in Kars. Listening attitude scale and semi-structured interview form were used as data collection tools. In the quantitative phase of the research, a quasi-experimental research design with a pretest-posttest control group, one of the experimental designs, was used. In the study, the lessons of the experimental group were planned using digital storytelling, while the lessons of the control group were taught using regular methods. At the end of the experimental application, the listening attitude scale was administered as a posttest and the data were analyzed. Phenomenological design was used in the qualitative phase of the research. Interviews were conducted with 20 volunteers from the experimental group using the semi-structured interview form prepared by the researcher. The data obtained from the interviews were evaluated, and the findings were interpreted and presented. To interpret the results, the listening attitude scale pre-test and post-test scores of the experimental and the control group were compared statistically. It was observed that the arithmetic averages of the scores of the experimental group were greater than the arithmetic averages of the scores of the control group students, and as a result of the analysis, it was determined that there was a statistically significant difference. According to the findings obtained from the interviews, it was determined that the students' opinions regarding the digital story application were mostly positive. According to the research results, digital stories had a positive effect on students' views on listening attitudes.

Anahtar Kelimeler

Digital stories, educational technologies, listening attitude, listening skills, Turkish education.


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