
Analyzing The Keywords of The Studies on Measurement and Evaluation in The Field of Teaching Turkish to Foreigners

The discipline of teaching Turkish to foreigners, which is in the process of gaining the identity of having a systematic structure, has been a field that researchers have frequently focused on in recent years. Studies have been conducted on different variables in this field and their number is increasing. The issue of measurement and evaluation in teaching Turkish to foreigners, which came to the agenda with the Turkish Proficiency Exams, is one of the areas where studies have started to intensify. This situation brings with it the difficulty of encountering a serious mass of information while researchers are doing their studies. At this stage, it is important to use keywords that facilitate the collection of data of scientific studies and the completion of studies in a short time. In addition, it may be important to identify keywords in order to interpret the trends of the studies. In this study, based on this problem situation, it was aimed to enable researchers working in the field of teaching Turkish to foreigners to carry out their studies more systematically, to complete their studies in a short time and to determine the trends of the studies based on the keywords in scientific studies. Since the data of the study consisted of documents, the method of the research was determined as document analysis from qualitative research methods. Content analysis was used to analyze the data. The study group of the research consists of 62 studies on teaching Turkish to foreigners and measurement and evaluation in Dergipark, Google Academic, YÖK National Thesis Center and TR Index databases. Of these studies, 39 are articles and 23 are theses. The keywords of 62 theses and articles constituting the study group of the research were identified and categorized under different headings. As a result of the study, the frequency of use of the keywords of the studies in the field of measurement and evaluation in teaching Turkish to foreigners and the tendencies of the studies based on these concepts were determined. In the findings of the studies, it was determined that studies on measurement and evaluation in teaching Turkish to foreigners have been carried out almost every year since 2007, and the number of studies has increased especially in 2023. Based on the keywords, teaching methods and techniques, measurement tools, course materials, instructor opinions, instructor competencies, use of technology, thinking skills, etc. It shows that studies are handled with many different variables. It was seen that especially the studies after 2020 were associated with the use of technology.

Anahtar Kelimeler

Teaching Turkish to foreigners, measurement and evaluation, keywords, study trends, content analysis.
