
Text Adaptation for the Learners of Turkish as a Second/Foreign Language: An Example from Mustafa Kutlu's Story “Rüzgâr’in Oğlu”

As in the teaching of all languages, reading skill in teaching Turkish as a second/foreign language is of great importance due to its contribution to the acquisition and development of other language skills. Reading skills are gained and developed with reading texts. A learner learning Turkish as a second/foreign language first encounters the reading texts in the textbooks. However, textbooks are not enough to acquire a skill. In this case, other additional resources are needed for the acquisition of reading skills. The number of reading books prepared according to language levels to be used in teaching Turkish as a second/foreign language is low. For this reason, there is a need for either artificial (fictional) texts prepared by language teachers or original texts with literary value that best reflect the target language and culture. However, it is not possible to use original texts in teaching Turkish as a second/foreign language without applying text replacement techniques and making the text suitable for language levels. In this case, text replacement is important. Text replacement is the replacement of an original text in accordance with language levels based on text replacement criteria. The low number of reading books and text replacement studies for teaching Turkish as a second/foreign language increases the need for text replacement studies. For this reason, the inclusion of original texts in the teaching process through text replacement in teaching Turkish as a second/foreign language is important and necessary for the acquisition and development of reading skills. Based on the aforementioned importance, need and necessity, in this thesis, it is aimed to make Mustafa Kutlu's story "Rüzgârın Oğlu" suitable for A2 level learners who learn Turkish as a second/foreign language with text replacement processes. The method of the study conducted for this purpose is the "qualitative research" method. Data were collected by “document analysis”. In the study, Mustafa Kutlu's "Rüzgârın Oğlu" text was changed to A2 level. In order to ensure the reliability of the modified text, the opinions of 5 experts were consulted and the final version of the text was given as a result of expert opinions. However, original and modified texts; discourse and narrative analysis, readability levels, and the use of vocabulary items were examined comparatively. In addition, in order to determine the suitability of the modified text with A2 level learners and its usability with them, the opinions of 13 learners about the text were taken and the comprehension levels of 13 learners were examined. Within the scope of the study, the main structure of the text has not been distorted in terms of discourse and narrative analysis in original and modified texts. The readability level, which was “educational level” in the original text, was determined as “educational level” in the modified text. The most frequently used words in terms of vocabulary were preserved in the text, but the modified text was made richer in terms of vocabulary. The learners evaluated the modified text as being suitable for A2 level. In addition, the learners were able to answer the questions of understanding the text of the modified text. As a result, in this study, Mustafa Kutlu’s “Rüzgârın Oğlu” text was changed to A2 level and it was understood that the modified text could be used at A2 level.

Anahtar Kelimeler

Teaching Turkish as a second/foreign language, reading skill, text alteration, altered text, Mustafa Kutlu, Rüzgârın Oğlu.
