Studies on teaching Turkey Turkish to Turkish speakers have started to increase in recent years. It is important to determine these studies, to determine how and in what way they are done, in terms of guiding the field. In this context, when the literature was scanned, it was determined that analyzes were made for the studies, but these studies were not sufficient. This situation has made it necessary to focus on analysis studies on teaching Turkey Turkish to Turkish speakers. In this context, the aim of the study is to determine the disposition of the studies by making descriptive analyzes of postgraduate theses and articles about teaching Turkey Turkish to Turkish speakers between the years 1994-2022. In the research, which was designed as a qualitative study, the data were collected using the documentary scanning technique. Accordingly, a total of 30 theses and 40 articles were included in the study by scanning the National Thesis Center, Dergipark and Google Scholar databases. Related studies are presented in graphics, grouped according to year, genre, subject, method, data collection tools and target audience. According to the findings of the study, the highest number of studies were at the article level; at least the study was prepared at the doctoral level. According to the subjects, mainly problems and mistakes were emphasized. Qualitative methods were generally preferred in the studies, and survey, scanning and document analysis techniques were used in the collection of data. Considering the target audience, most of the studies are aimed at Kyrgyz and Kazakh Turks; At least, it was concluded that it was prepared for the Azerbaijani and Uzbek Turks. Based on these results, it is expected that the study will guide new studies in the field and contribute to the field with a holistic perspective.
Turkish Language, Turkey Turkish, Literature Review, Descriptive Analysis, Disposition