
Grammar Self-Efficacy Perceptions of Turkish Teacher Candidates

Grammar, which is important in fulfilling the functions of the language, from maintaining the quality of being a living organism to providing communication between people, has an important place in teaching Turkish.This perception and attitude are explained by the concept of self-efficacy. The concept of self-efficacy, which expresses the beliefs, perceptions, and attitudes of individuals about whether they can achieve success against any difficulty, gains importance due to the role of Turkish teachers in teaching grammar. In this study, Turkish teacher candidates’ grammar self-efficacy perceptions were tried to be determined in terms of various variables by using the “Grammar Self-Efficacy Perception Scale” (GSES) developed by Yılmaz (2019). In line with this purpose, the answer to the question "Do Turkish teacher candidates' perceptions of grammar self-efficacy differ according to their gender, the purpose of choosing the Turkish language teaching department, the faculty they study at, their grade level, and grade point averages?" has been sought. The sample of the study consisted of a total of 163 Turkish teacher candidates from all grade levels, continuing their education at the Department of Turkish Language Education in Nizip or Gaziantep Education Faculties of Gaziantep University in the fall term of the 2021-2022 academic year. The scale used to determine the grammar self-efficacy perceptions of Turkish teacher candidates consists of 23 items. This quantitative study was designed as a survey model. A Likert type-scale was chosen as the tool for collecting data in this study. SPSS 22.0 software was used for the analysis of the findings obtained from the data. According to the findings obtained from the study, it was observed that the grammar self-efficacy perceptions of Turkish teacher candidates resulted in favor of female teacher candidates in terms of the gender variable, in favor of those who chose the Department of Turkish Language Education since it was the department they wanted in terms of the purpose of choosing the Department of Turkish Language Education, and in favor of Turkish teacher candidates studying at Nizip Education Faculty according to the faculty variable. There was a significant difference between the dimensions of the scale in terms of the grade level variable but no significant difference was obtained in terms of the overall score obtained from the scale. Besides, a significant difference between the dimensions according to grade point average was found, whereas the study showed no significant difference in the overall score.

Anahtar Kelimeler

Grammar, grammar teaching, self-efficacy, self-efficacy perception, Turkish teacher candidates
