
Development and Evaluation of Multimedia Design for Turkish Language Course

The present study aims to develop and evaluate multimedia design for Turkish course and answers the questions “What is the process of developing multimedia design for Turkish course like?”, “What is the ‘Turkish Course Multimedia Design’ according to Turkish and information technologies and software teachers, experts and eighth-grade students like?” The study was designed and conducted based on a multi-stage mixed-method study design. In the first stage of the study, design development processes were followed, qualitative data were collected, and the Turkish Course Multimedia Design (TCMD) was developed. In the second stage, the design was piloted, student, expert and teacher opinions were received and analyzed, and the TCMD was reorganized based on the results obtained. In the last stage, the TCMD was evaluated by Turkish and information technologies and software teachers and experts. The study sample consisted of 143 participants, including 22 students and 15 experts in the qualitative phase and 78 Turkish and 28 information technologies and software teachers in the quantitative phase. The data were obtained through unstructured and semi-structured interview forms, unstructured observation and the “Educational Software Evaluation Form” (ESAF). Qualitative data were analyzed using content analysis and quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical techniques. The study revealed that both experts and students positively evaluated the TCMD prepared for Turkish language teaching based on its educational, visual design, multimedia, content, navigation setup and usage features. It was concluded that the information technologies and software teachers found the TCMD more adequate than the Turkish teachers in terms of educational software features.

Anahtar Kelimeler

Digital tools, educational technologies, multimedia applications, multimedia design, teaching Turkish.


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